"to be in the room when others experience the way writing can bring us right up close to the truth of love." This is beautiful. Thank you, Julie

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Thanks Julie. From one grateful host of those holy spaces to another.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Julie Hester

Julie, both the Merwin prompt and your description of what happens in communal writing feel completely Spirit-infused to me. I've felt that sacred stir when writing with others, with physically together or online--and it's truly holy. Thank you so much for describing what "writing in company" can be!

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"Spirit-infused" is a beautiful description. Thank you, SarahLee.

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I feel this on so many levels. Thank you for your words. I’m also a pastor who is not serving a church and one who finds the holy in writing and writing in community.

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So glad to connect with you Kimberly. Someday we need to compare Camino notes.

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The Merwin poem is lovely, and I’m so grateful for your workshop. I’d always imagined I would panic (I took an improv class once and hated it!), but you create a safe space for letting go of performance.

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Thank you Jen for being brave and joining in. Our workshop is better because you are there, sharing your beautiful words.

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Thank you for this beautiful and apt description of what happens in the room. And I will write again to the Merwin quotation today.

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Looking forward to sharing that holy space with you this week.

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“When I’ve shared a prompt, and the writers bend over their journals, scritch-scratching away, something changes in the room.”

Just restacked. It is a sacred space. It is a gift. And it does change us. Thanks for this. The adult memoir class I teach is Wednesday nights, so your writing is usually pretty timely.

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I’d love to learn more about your class sometime, Mary.

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We should do a zoom where we write and also share ideas about teaching writing.

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Mary, I’ll reach out by email to see if we can set something up. With your other comment on Summer’s note, there is a lot worth discussing together!

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My friend Kay—the curator of our bereaved mothers’ writing blog—reminded me of a gorgeous piece of art made by our gifted friend Peggy, in response to this Merwin poem. She used scraps from her daughter’s clothes, literally threading love through every memory. https://fartheralongbook.com/2014/05/17/transformation-rebeccas-clothes/

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