Thank you so much for sharing these words and the prompt! I’m writing my way through a cancer diagnosis and I get tired of writing the same things over and over (fear, what-ifs, anger). I realized that eventually I’ll write my way THROUGH the feelings but I just need to keep putting words on the page. 🥰

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Those what-ifs keep sneaking back into my writing too. But YES, to the writing THROUGH.... Sending hopes for light and healing words as you follow your thoughts on the page.

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Thank you for the gentle reminder to "follow your thoughts on the page," Julie.

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Thanks, Kay. You do this so beautifully.

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I love the very meta suggestion to keep writing even when feeling stuck... "I’m stuck but I’m going to keep my pen moving until the next thought comes…."

Thank you for sharing your story of writing through grief. It resonates, as writing helps me make sense of things, and I've done some of my deepest writing when depressed and grieving. I think the challenge for me is finding ways to dig deep into the well of creativity even when I'm not experiencing conflict of some kind that sparks a dramatic writing session. It takes patience to find stories that resonate within the daily and mundane.

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Patience, yes. For me it’s the same learned skill of letting go of good grammar and such. I practice letting go of needing a deep reason to write, and try to value simply paying attention, even to the ordinary. Like that fabulous list of items you decluttered from your piano top. Ordinary, but attention to them in words told a story.

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Such simple words on their face--"Follow your thoughts on the page"--but so much depth; so many worlds to be encountered in the following (and captured on the page). Both basic and profound, this will be my new mantra. Thank you SO much, Julie...what a beautiful gift this is.

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Oooh, I like the idea of both a basic and profound mantra. Thanks, SarahLee.

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Love this prompt!

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Thanks for reading!

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