The Stuff of Holy Week
Each year during Holy Week, I try to read through one of the passion narratives from the gospels, listening for what I need to hear. This year I will read from Luke's gospel—Luke 22:14-23:56. There are plenty of words there to reflect upon, so I don't have many more to add.
Writing prompts abound, however, in the Holy Week scripture and stories. Below is a prayer practice I wrote for the Association of Partners in Christian Education blog. Use the images as reminders to notice God at work this week, to stop and pray, or to write.
May God meet you in the stuff of the week.
prompts from the stuff of Holy Week
Meet us this week, Lord, in the stuff of Holy Week.
Help us notice the symbols that tell of your love. They are all around us—gift after gift from you.
Meet us in green leaves waving and in stones by the road.
Remind us to lift our voices in hosannas, as we welcome you in.
Meet us in silver coins and paper bills as we buy and sell, save and spend.
Remind us to be grateful, honest, and generous with all we have.
Meet us in bread, with every meal we share
Remind us how you fed even those who would betray you, with your own self—the bread of heaven.
Meet us in the cups we use, whatever is inside them.
Remind us that you’ve poured us a taste of the banquet yet to come, with the cup of salvation.
Meet us in pitchers, water and towels.
Remind us how you washed your friends’ feet, and told us to love one another like that.
Meet us in gardens, awake or in sleep.
Remind us to keep praying—alone and together—and that you are with us whatever comes.
Meet us in crosses, wherever we see them.
Remind us of suffering, of violence, of sin. Help us not look away, and not give up. Sunday is coming.
Meet us at gravesides and burial sites—the ones we know well, and the ones freshly made
Remind us that Easter began in the silent dark, when no one was even looking.
Meet us in the stuff and symbols of Holy Week, Lord
Open our eyes and ears to see and hear you.
Walk with us through this week.
May we pay attention.
May we remember.
May we wait and watch, in hope
a single writing prompt
Write in response to Luke 23:44-45:
It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, while the sun's light failed; and the curtain of the temple was torn in two.